To express our sincere gratitude

唔知係咪 confirmation bias,覺得最近條街真係出現多咗奇怪英文,所以覺得想紀錄一下,順便俾機會自己寫多啲呢類型嘅嘢。

To express our sincere gratitude, you can enjoy half-price discount when travelling on MTR lines on 8, 9 April and 13, 14 May 2023.

原句最大問題在於 “to express our sincere gratitude” 呢個 dangling modifier。

dangling modifiers 中文大概係修飾語錯配,原句嘅 subject 係 “you”,亦即乘客、市民,而 “to express our sincere gratitude” 呢個 clause 就係修飾緊個 “you”,咁好明顯邏輯上就唔正確,因為想表達謝意嘅係港鐵公司,而唔係乘客自己,當出現一個咁嘅 mismatch,就可以話句句子出現咗個 dangling modifier。

To express our sincere gratitude, the MTR Corp is offering a half-price discount to anyone travelling with us on 8, 9 April and 13, 14 May 2023.


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